Teaching in a school that is committed to innovative integration of technology, I've become more ed tech savvy in the past 2+ years than ever before (in high school and college, I mostly used my computer for word processing and personal social networking, not much else). Using technology well as an educator can be difficult and often overwhelming. We have so much access, so much tech support and so many innovative options, that I've found myself (many times) struggling to keep up (and catch up), while trying to balance and remain on top of everything else related to my teaching. Google docs, google sites, ed tech tools, oh my!
I've been involved in some amazing projects with technology at my current school and have been blown away by the positive ways in which my students have responded and adapted to using technology as a tool for learning. I'd like to grow in my personal comfort level with technology and my knowledge of how to effectively integrate it into my classroom. I'm hoping that some of the tools we explore in class will move me forward in this process, inspiring me to problem solve and be more creative and purposeful with all the tech we are so fortunate to have access to in our school.
As for the sites we've signed up for this week, I've used Flickr and Kidspiration (not Webspiration) in the past, and I've dabbled in blogging here and there. So far, I've experimented a bit with Delicious, and it's already helped me export, tag and organize some of my many bookmarks! I still haven't played around with the "social experience" side to it yet. Small steps...